About Us
Furever Friends Cat Rescue began on September 4th, 2015 out of concern for lost, abandoned and feral cats in the community of Altona, Manitoba.
Their plight is sad. Imagine living in a warm and comfortable home, then suddenly staring at the back of the car as it drives off, leaving you in a strange neighbourhood. Nothing looks familiar, no house, no person. Where do you go now? Where do you find your next meal, water, a warm dry bed? And then there are the other animals who don't want you there...where is safety?
Many more cats are dumped by owners than lost. They are usually not neutered or spayed, which adds dramatically to the overpopulation situation. They are often in poor health and unable to fend for themselves in the dead of winter or the heat of summer. They are voiceless, but their hearts cry out for us.
Furever Friends provides loving foster homes, vet care, and a spay/neuter program. Each cat's medical and social concerns are taken care of before adoption. Potential new owners are screened carefully for compatibility of home life and to the cat's personality and needs.
It is our mission to provide for the adoption and placement of rescued cats and kittens in permanent homes. We are further dedicated to the care and well being of these homeless cats and to educating the public on the need to spay/neuter pets, the prevention of animal cruelty, responsible pet ownership, and actively encouraging members of our community to be involved in the cause.
Our Team

Tracy with Cinder

Sasha and Amira

Tess (foster fail)

Tracy with Cinder
Tracy started the Rescue in 2015. She manages our Facebook page, is in charge of all animal health and vet requirements, along with countless other tasks. She liaisons with the foster homes and feral shelter caretakers, in addition to being a feral shelter caretaker herself. Together with her husband, Stan, she is a two time foster fail*.
Meet Tracy
Team Leader

Stan with rescued cat, Gordo


Tess (foster fail)

Stan with rescued cat, Gordo
Stan is our fearless lion tamer, trying to pet the rescued cats to see if they are feral, aggressive or tame. He has been a volunteer since the beginning, and is our shelter builder, cat taxi driver, fundraising helper and a feral shelter caretaker. Together with his wife, Tracy, he is a two time foster fail*.
Meet Stan
Team Member

Meghan with Katniss


Ryder (foster dog)

Meghan with Katniss
Meghan has been volunteering with FFCR since 2015. She manages our Instagram account, helps with fundraising and is a full-time foster home. Meghan has transformed many feral fosters into loving family pets, with the help of her cat-taming dog, Dion. She is a one time foster fail*. Meghan also fosters dogs for a local breeder.
Meet Meghan
Team Member

Kim with Sox

Sox (foster fail)

Rusty (outside feral cat)

Kim with Sox
Kim has been volunteering with FFCR since 2016. She helps with fundraising events, the adoption process, and is a feral shelter caretaker. Kim has tamed several feral cats, getting them ready for adoption and a life indoors. She is a three time foster fail*.
Meet Kim
Team Member
Meet Carissa
Carissa has been volunteering with FFCR since 2016. She started out as a foster home, but soon took on other duties. She does all the amazing photography for the rescue. Carissa and her daughter, Isabelle, often care for foster cats that have special medical needs. She is a one time foster fail* and has a cat that qualified for our Finders Keepers program.

Photographer Volunteer
Meet Carol
Fundraising Volunteer
Carol has been volunteering with FFCR since 2020. When she adopted Waldo and Callie-Anne from Furever Friends in 2021, she started to take on a larger roll in the fundraising department: coming up with ideas for new fundraisers and creating connections with local businesses for prizes. Carol spends many hours composing letters and time on the phone for the benefit of the rescue.

Kim with Marley

Kim with Marley
Kim has been volunteering with FFCR since 2018. She started out as a foster home and is now managing our website.
Meet Kim
Website Volunteer
* Foster fail is a term we use when a foster home chooses to adopt their foster cat instead of allowing it to be adopted by someone else. While the term sounds negative ("fail"), it is actually a wonderful thing.