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Recovery Rockstars
Recovery Rockstars are cats that require vetting beyond the scope of a typical intake.
They require anaesthetic for diagnosis or treatment purposes, such as dental cleaning or tooth removal surgery,
amputation, eye removal surgery, blockage removal, etc.
If you would like to donate to their care and recovery, please contact us, or
send an eTransfer to and list the cat's name in the message.
Please note: we cannot issue tax receipts.
Procedure: Dental
Vet Bill: $833.98
Funds Raised: $833.98
Remaining: $0
Bart came to us as a wild kitten. His foster homes worked diligently to help him become a friendly house cat. Bart eventually found an adoptive home but in November 2023, he was returned to rescue. Bart’s family realized that they weren’t able to help him overcome his medical needs. A special foster was found who was willing to work with him and help him down the long road to wellness.
Bart was seen immediately by our vet upon being returned. After an examination and testing, he was found to be dealing with crystals, urinary tract infection, and painful teeth and gums. His prognosis wasn’t good, but we knew we had to try. Antibiotics, pain control, and anti-anxiety medication were prescribed to help him on his road to recovery.
After 2 weeks he was feeling much better. But he relapsed and was rushed back to the vet who confirmed that he needed more antibiotics. We hoped that this last batch of antibiotic were going to work as otherwise we would be out of options for Bart.
We are pleased to say that Bart has made a full recovery from his infection and is clear of crystals! Next up was his required dental. He needed all 4 canine teeth removed due to painful mouth lesions.
Bart has been a real rockstar during his dental recovery and is now loving a pain free life. His foster mom has said he is much more relaxed and loving now that he’s back to a healthy life.
Procedure: Dental
Vet Bill: $801.06
Funds Raised: $801.06
Remaining: $0
Mississippi (Missi for short) is from a feral colony in Altona. She was pregnant and placed in a foster home to have the kittens. She was a great mom to her kittens even with all the stress of being a wild cat in an inside setting. She doesn’t trust people, but all the mommy hormones helped her adjust. We knew she would never be completely comfortable as an inside cat and the plan was to release her into her territory after she had finished raising her kittens and healed from her spay, but it was discovered that she needed some teeth removed before her release.
Unfortunately for everyone, her mouth was way worse than we thought and the vet recommended we remove all of her remaining teeth. Missi had already lost more than 1/2 of her teeth and now had to have the last of them removed in a dental surgery. Her dental went really well and Missi healed nicely. She is feeling great and has even rediscovered her playful side, but without teeth she will not be able to live as a community cat in Altona.
She is being tamed for inside living and will need a special family that loves both her cute toothless bleeps and her shy personality.
Procedure: Dental
Vet Bill: $748.51
Funds Raised: $160
Remaining: $588.51
Like many of the cats that call FFCR home, George Foreman was dropped off in a Winkler business area where he was hoping someone would take pity on him. He was in luck! The wonderful staff at Pet Valu scooped him up off the street and tried to help him find his way back home. Sadly no one came forward and our rescue stepped in to help George.
After his initial vet trip and neutering, he was placed with a foster family. While in his foster home they discovered that he didn’t react well to a poultry diet. It made him so itchy he would scratch superficial wounds in his skin and pull out his fur. We had to determine which foods would help him feel better. Raw and canned rabbit and beef seemed to be the best. Once his allergy was under control with a strict diet, George’s foster family noticed that he wasn’t eating like he normally did. Thinking he just didn't like the new food, they tried many different options of canned, raw, and even a very expensive rabbit kibble, but George slowly refused the foods after awhile.
A vet trip determined that his teeth were the problem. George had a few cavities, gingivitis and painful resorptive lesions. Gah! Another dental procedure for a rescue cat. 10 teeth removed!
George is feeling much better! Back to eating all of his special foods and after 2 weeks of healing he is even back to crunching down on that rabbit flavoured kibble. Eating like the champ he is!
Procedure: Dental
Vet Bill: $735.04
Funds Raised: $246.75
Remaining: $588.29
Tink came to FFCR as a tiny kitten. Found outside, in the cold by a kind citizen. This caring person immediately got her into her warm house. Tink was so underweight that it was initially thought that she was much younger than her actually age. She was transferred to our rescue and one of our fosters families that specializes in cold, starving kittens took her in to help her. She was put on a diet for her condition that helped her grow big and strong. Unfortunately, her teeth were already adult ones and would not benefit from proper nutrition. The damage was already done.
Once Tink gained the energy to move around, a limp became apparent. At our rescue we see this type of injury often…it comes from travelling under a vehicle and getting off before the vehicle has come to a complete stop. Extremely dangerous and life threatening, but most cats jump as the vehicle slows to town speed. With lots of rest and TLC, Tink’s leg healed completely. but we knew we would need to address those teeth at some point. Her teeth were slowly rotting in her mouth. Making her breath smell horrible.
She required a dental procedure with 18 teeth removed. She has only been one of the many cats this year that has needed expensive dental work. But we would never let a cat suffer, so we got the work done and now Tink needs help paying her vet bill.
She was a total Recovery Rockstar and healed in record time! Back to her shy but playful self. We hope that her confidence grows without those painful teeth and her personality becomes as lovely as her beautiful fur.
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